Saturday, May 28, 2011

Wildcats – Minimum Threshold

Posted in Catridge, Chamber, Firearms, Guns, Wildcat on April 4, 2011 by Charles River Cobb
How much effort does it take to create a new wildcat cartridge? Does it have to be a new chambering also? Can you wildcat a sub-magnum cartridge and just use a magnum chamber? Could you wildcat a .458 Winchester Magnum in a .458 Lott chamber?

UPDATE: Looks like the dictionary definition of wildcating (Wikipedia) is that cartridge and barrel (chamber) are custom. So making a wildcat with out a change in chamber is the lazy gun enthusiast’s way?

Is North Carolina a Free State?

Posted in Sovereignty with tags on May 14, 2011 by Charles River Cobb
Just read on the Guns and Coffee blog that Wisconsin is a “Free State,” meaning that law enforcement cannot demand I.D. when there is no evidence of a crime. Is that true in North Carolina? Where else?

Friday, May 27, 2011

#1 Reason You Left Your Last Job

#1 Reason You Left Your Last Job

Posted in Employment, Interviewing, Job History, Job Seeking, Past Employer, Workplace Conflict on November 5, 2010 by Charles River Cobb

In a mildly heated discussion in a job seekers group on LinkedIn, one career expert commented that the number one reason people leave jobs is their FORMER BOSSES.

That doesn’t jive with what you are expected to say in a job interview, when asked why you left a job: “I am searching for a better opportunity to utilize my skills.” Or “Looking for more responsibility.” And you are expected to never say an unkind word about a former boss, but a new employer wants you to be “completely honest” with them.

In the end, does this really matter? We want former employers to, at the very least, not damage our future prospects. They want us to keep up their images in the marketplace. It’s the nature of social interaction: you scratch my back, and I’ll scratch yours. And that’s why your prospective employers don’t want you to be completely honest. They expect that you will honor this social convention with them, too.


The 1000 Round Trigger Job

I've been listening to Bob Mayne's Handgun World podcast lately. He often recommends "a 1000-round trigger job" before fully evaluating or modifying a handgun.
That got me thinking, so I emailed Bob:
I love your phrase "a 1000 round trigger job." When I first got my latest handgun (also my first centerfire semiauto), I really questioned whether I got a lemon in the first 50 rounds. After a good lube, a little research about limp-wristing, and a couple hundred more rounds, I am willing to give the gun a fair shake. And you have inspired me to do the next 700 rounds.

I have read over and over again that concealed-carry holders (and home-defense nuts) need to shoot often. The "1000 round trigger job" is a good way to get started.
So, my grand plans of modifying my P95 are going on the back burner. Well, I'll see - maybe a grip sleeve, or a little grip trim, index pad? Gotta get to the range.

Update (3-15-12): What is a 1000-round trigger job? It is simply firing 1000 rounds through a firearm. Why is it a trigger job?

Two reasons. First, it gives the shooter a chance to get used to the trigger of a firearm. Second, it breaks in the trigger of the firearm. Also, the shooter gets used to the basic operations of the firearm, such as its recoil impulse. Between the shooter becoming accustomed to the firearm, and the firearm's trigger becoming smoother (hopefully) with use, the owner replaces a gunsmithed trigger job with a use-and-familiarization "trigger job."

Ruger P95 Modifications I: Research

Jump To Some Real World Progress: Ruger P95 Modifications IV

About two years ago, I bought a Ruger P95 (KP95PR15). I had done some research and settled on the P95 for a sometimes-house, sometimes-carry pistol. I wanted a traditional DA/SA, because my wife was familiar with the type and not as interested in guns as I am. Also, I wanted the second-strike capability. I preferred a polymer frame with a stainless slide. I liked the price, and I like Rugers.

I had looked at many other pistols with the original purpose of getting a weapon for concealed carry. What I ended up with is a compromise. I settled on a “service”-sized pistol, not a sub-compact- or “tactical”-sized pistol.

Taurus 24/7 Pro, Ruger P95, Ruger SR9 (left to right)
Based on price and my personal preference I was close to buying a Taurus 24/7 Pro or Ruger SR9. I had read mixed reviews about the speed of Taurus service. I really liked the grip shape of the SR9, but the pistol felt extremely top heavy with an empty magazine. And the SR9 was less than a year old. A few months later, I was happy that I skipped the SR9 due to Ruger’s massive recall (But Ruger’s quality response to a huge problem would have made me feel really good about choosing the SR9.).

The day I picked up my P95, I went immediately to the range. It ran fine for a couple rounds. Then I started to have FTEs, failures to feed, stove pipes, double feeds, and the slide failed to lock back. The salesperson that sold me the gun asked how it went, and then she suggested I might be limp wristing and suggested I might try +P ammo. Of course, I thought that was perposterous.
Ruger SP101 .357

My last handgun was a .357 Ruger SP101. I loved shooting .357s in that almost-little revolver. But then I did a little reading, and understood that semi-autos need a stable platform to cycle the slide.

The next time I went to the range, I got through a mag and a half before problems. I removed the slide, put additional oil in the slide where it meets the abbreviated rails that are integral to the polymer frame, and did not have another hitch. Except that my hits were center of mass to start, then progressing toward the lower left with every mag, unless I regripped the pistol. The P95 is slick, so I considered a rubber, slip-on grip sleeve. But I have another problem – I have small hands.

I recently read an article and was reminded of a proper grip – center of the backstrap high in the web of my hand. But I really have to struggle to maintain that grip. My hand slides around to something like this:

Well, actually this:

So I decided on some modifications.

Next Post This Topic: Ruger P95 Modifications II
Jump To Some Real World Progress: Ruger P95 Modifications IV

Monday, May 16, 2011

Best Guns for Home Defense I

I searched that topic on Google. I've got my opinions, but every once in a while I like to read up on subjects and see if I need to adjust those opinions.

The general consensus seems to prefer shotguns. And that was the opinion on in their article, “Best Guns for Home Defense.” It is a basic, cautionary article with a rating system for different types of guns. But my favorite part was in the comments section:
5 Pieter July 23, 2009 at 4:46 am: The best weapon for home defense is a phone. If bad people try to get in: call the cops. The biggest bonus for the phone is that your kids can’t pick it up and blow their brains across the wall with it.
Even if you do decide not to own a gun, based on legal issues or personal choice, your job as a responsible adult in your home is to defend your family (or yourself), not cross your legs in an easy chair and call the police. If bad people try to get in, of course you should call the cops. But what if bad people do get in? Pick up a knife, ax, ax handle, bat, pepper spray, or gun. But guns are great deterrents, and especially shotguns.

Guns are tools that can be dangerous. Of course the safety of children is a concern. But reasonable caution and education can greatly reduce risks. I found the following in David S. Markowitz’s article, “Selecting a Home Defense Gun:”
I cannot stress enough that one of the worst things you can do is to hide the presence of guns in your home from your kids. Prohibition breeds fascination, especially in children. As gun guru Massad Ayoob says (approximately), “You cannot gun proof your home, but you can gun proof your kids.” As soon as your kids are able to understand, you should instruct them in gun safety rules. If they ever ask to see your gun, treat that as an opportunity to reinforce safety rules. If you let them see the gun under your supervision, they are a lot less likely to go looking for it while you aren’t around. The National Rifle Association has a good program to teach gun safety to kids called the “Eddie Eagle” program. (Also check out “Gun Play”, by David Kopel, to see the potential disaster that can happen when a “sheltered” child gets exposed to firearms for the first time in the absence of adult supervision.) Even if you choose not to have firearms in your home (unlikely if you’re reading anything on my website) you should still make sure your kids know about gun safety. They may go to a friend’s house where there are guns, and be exposed to them that way.
Education over hysteria. Responsibility over abdication.

NEXT IN SERIES:  Best Guns for Home Defense II

Promises, Promises!

I promised to ramble, so here goes. Matthew Perry checked himself into rehab, according to someone. I feel that it is dangerous that pampered celebs are seen as role models for dealing with crises. Not to trivialize their problems (which they often do themselves, e.g. Charlie Sheen), but celebs often have strong (often paid) support systems to keep them alive while they workout their problems.

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