
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Ruger P95 Modifications IV: Accessory?

"Bell" Grip Sleeve

Finally, some progress in the real world. Here's how I made a grip sleeve out of a bicycle inner tube.

Step 1: I picked up a "standard" inner tube from WalMart. I got the largest one, because you can make more grip sleeves. It costs the same price as the small ones, and they are all the same diameter.

Step 2: Determine how much of a grip sleeve you can get on your pistol. I wanted to cover as much of the grip as possible with clean cuts.

Step 3: Cut the inner tube. I cut the piece I used a little undersized, because I knew the rubber would stretch. The top is angled, and the bottom cut is relatively flap. It will probably take you a little trial and error, but I was able to get what I liked after two tries.
Raw material with a mistake (straight cut top and bottom)

Step 4: Fitting the grip sleeve. This is the most tedious part. It takes some pushing and pulling to get the grip sleeve in place. And you want to do both, because I have a feeling that just pulling will eventually tear the inner tube.

Is this effective? The gun no longer twists and slips in my hand. This is an amazing simple fix for a problem that made the gun less than reasonably effective for my needs.

Was this a modification? No. I placed an accessory. But a grip sleeve negates the need of an actual grip reduction or stippling to a certain extent.

Will I make any real modifications next, or continue with accessorizing? I'm not sure. Time for some more reevaluation - and range time.
Final grip sleeve with angle cut on top and straight cut on bottom. 

 Not pretty, but makes this gun - for me - 100% more controllable.

Next: A Comprehensive Look At The P95

Previous In Series:
Ruger P95 Modifications: Part I
Ruger P95 Modifications: Part II
Ruger P95 Modifications: Part III


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You just have the wrong pistol.

  3. When I wrote this post, I would most likely have agreed with you, BUT I took this gun shooting recently and it performed much better for me. The grip sleeve helped a lot, but my grip technique made a world of difference: push/pull, front-to-back squeeze/side-to-side squeeze. And, yes, an SR9, 1911 or Beretta 92 would probably be the "right" pistol for me, BUT no tool is perfect, and one could chase perfection of the tool without ever perfecting one's skill.


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