
Friday, February 17, 2023 "Top leadership hails victory over COVID"

"Top leadership hails victory over COVID"

published 2/17/23

"China has secured a major, decisive victory in fighting COVID-19, creating a miracle in the history of human civilization of a country with a vast population successfully prevailing over a pandemic, according to a key meeting of the Communist Party of China on Thursday." - Cao Desheng,

Uh, yeah. The CCP bowed to protests and cranked up the crematoriums. Of course, the CCP also quietly went after the protesters. Tiananmen Square was bad optics.

"China announces rollback of COVID-19 restrictions following protests" - The Hill 12/07/22

"Crematoriums Filled with Caskets Hint at Scale of China's COVID-19 Horror" - Newsweek 12/29/22

"China's authorities are quietly rounding up people who protested against COVID rules" - NPR 1/11/23

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