They're not [period]
equality (n) - the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, and opportunity (Oxford Languages)
equity (n) - the quality of being fair and impartial (Oxford Languages)
Well that sounds just great. But even with - what appears to be - a relatively pair of immutable definitions they are not the same.
Equality is literally a "state of being." Equity is action oriented. It is how you treat another person.
In standard English, equity and equality are NOT interchangeable.
Moral Hazard
Society has moved actively into the dangerous realm of mass moral hazard.
moral hazard (n) - lack of incentive to guard against risk where one is protected by is consequences.
Organizations both government, private, and semi-governmental are comforted by the protected virtually signalling. As long as they signal that they are for making people descended from those who were prior oppressed and are by de facto currently oppressed by their definition, then no cost can be spared, and those descended from perceived former oppressors must bare those costs. And definitions be damned. The virtue signalers and guarantors of wholeness will create new language out of old a la George Orwell's 1984.
Look at this explanation of the newspeak, which the definitions have actually been accepted by the full spectrum of politically leanings - though conservatives do not generally accept the goal.
"Equality means each individual or group of people is given the same resources or opportunities. Equity recognizes that each person has different circumstances and allocates the exact resources and opportunities needed to reach an equal outcome." - Marin Health and Human Services, Marin County, CA
What a load of crap. But that is where we are. Not only are the real definitions not equal, but the lunatics running the redistribution show have redefined EQUITY.
Moral Rectification
What should conservatives do? Forget that! What should truth seekers do (Who should be all of us.)? Take the language back. Tell virtue signalers and woke/fake social-justice warriors and thieves to stop twisting reality.