
Friday, January 5, 2018

The New Juvenilism

I couldn't begrudge the liberal MSM's antics the early morning that Donald J. Trump won the presidency. They were going through mourning, including plenty of bargaining, over something they were highly emotionally, unprofessionally invested in.

I didn't begrudge them. I felt for and empathized with their loss. But I still laughed heartily. And I still enjoy videos of their suffering.

I was also emotional invested in the elected. I cheered for joy. But I did NOT loose my mind, start petting my guns, and thank God Trump for allows me to burn liberals at the stake. 

Moving on. Thanks to Mark Dice, I have learned of a new Watergate involving Trump. It is a minor story, but it illustrates quiet well the mentality of many "journalists" we have come to trust over the years.

Watergate II 

If you thought Iran-Contra, Whitewater, Lowensky, Benghazi, or others were the new Watergate, you were wrong. During a press conference in November, President Trump needed a drink of water. Through the valiant efforts of several hack reporters, our president acquired the much needed hydration and was able the continue the press conference.

Needless to say, the MSM found "news" in this incident.

"The average male hand measures 7.4 inches from wrist to fingertip and 3.30 inches across the palm. If Trump's hands are not sufficiently large for him to easily grasp the 500 mL bottle with just one of them, then the logical fit would be the next size down: the Lil' FIJI." (11/15/17 drivel)
- Serious New Juvenilist Kastalia Medrano of Newsweek 
And crazily, Newsweek has not bother to remove that crap. 

There is nothing like clinging to minutiae as harbingers of social standing. But it gets worse.

The main-stream (self-avowed silly) media latched onto the story like an available teat, and helped further to discredit the likes of CNN (Fake News Network) and Newsweek (Newsweak) by aping their delivery.

This incident succinctly illustrates the new mentality of the MSM. They have been able to combine journalistic skills with pubescent fretting. They are the new junvenilists.